Share Your World – 2013 Week 14 & 15

I’ve been disappearing from blogging for this entire two weeks and I missed it damn much. Have I told you that I was moving out (on weekdays only) from my home because now me and hubs are living and working in the same town. Yeay! So we decide to rent a monthly tiny little dorm-size room, that we don’t have to commute 4 hours a day everyday.

New place, new routines put a whole new world for me. And I still try to adapt with the changes which is not so good. I’ll show you later in my new post my dorm-size room.

Since Cee’s going on vacation next week and maybe I’ll still confuse with my new routine. I’d answered all the questions for week 14 and 15 in the same post. And Oh Happy Vacation Cee!.

Week 14

If a movie was made based on your life, what actor/actress would play you?

First, I can’t imagine a movie t’was made from my life. It’s going to be boring and dull at the end. But If I could choose someone to play me that definitely Kristen Stewart. She resemble rebellious side of me, someone with rock star personality but quirky and shy and sweet.

Show us a couple of your favorites photographs? If you are not a photographer, think of a favorite scene in your life and tell us about them. I do better with human but I love footsteps pic the most.

What do you like most about home?

Though I-we-haven’t really had a home but a kitchen, a yard and a huge bookshelf will be one of my consideration of a home.

Week 15

What is one of your quirky traits?

Just one? I have a lot. Like Cee’s, I eat all my food separately and I don’t like mixed flavor either.  I personally can’t differentiate color too details and that means I can’t mixed match color (especially for clothes). Everything look good in my eyes as long it’s not two significant color like the dress. That way I finally can say it look weird. I also can’t differentiate people who look handsome/beautiful or not unless that person really look different from others and I don’t say it ugly just different because I don’t know how to define ugly in someone’s face.

What has surprised you about blogging?

The people, the stories, and the heart-warming online friendship. I love blogging because I am able to meet people that will encourage you and gives you a lot of positive input rather than to put you down that often we meet just right in front of our eyes. So thank you for your presence blogger.

Which do you prefer sweet or salty? Or both at the same time? 

I’m a sweet-flavor lover. But I am going to eat salty first then sweet because I saved the best for the last. I don’t know if you have it in your country or not but this are my favorite one.

toast + chocolate sprinkles + grated cheese + milk

Thank you for reading my post and please join!


Share Your World – 2013 Week 14 & 15

3 thoughts on “Share Your World – 2013 Week 14 & 15”

  1. Your food plated like you describe and show is not something common in my country, but I like everything in it. Thanks so much for contributing to Share Your World. I appreciate reading your answers. And I do like the footprints too.

  2. I love the footprints on the sand photo, and the “garden tunnel”…

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