You Matter


Day 2

Finally I go through what I should do for a long time ago. I’m in counseling with a phycologist. The more I’ve been able to talk the more I can see my self. The more I know what to do and how to do. The more I know I am matter. I am enough even when no one tells me that I am one.

Whoever reading my blog, thank you for coming by. Hoping I could write some more and friendship through words. You are matter ❤

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am still grasping the reality

especially since you passed away dad

But I don’t think I’ve ever feel this lonely

I am an introvert

and I like being alone

but this is another level

This is lonely

and hollow

and just lonely

or maybe I am just tired of being a mom

It’s so lonely


Life been feeling hard this past years

No matter how I tried my damnest to look tall

or to appear strong

I was clenching my teeth inside

Holding back my tears

or I am

My head feel full and crowded

even when it’s night and I am alone

I wish to talk to someone

to just say I am tired

I am tired but I don’t want to rest

or I refused to rest

Afraid of what futures may hold

I want to cry

I want to bloody cry

But tears bring nothing

nothing but only ease


I want to rant so much
That it was a build up
Of ongoing behavior
That an adult could be so ignorant and selfish and such a kid
That mostly i feel all alone
In this
That often i feel like giving up
Words given are rotten
Words out are completely bullshit

So Long…

No see

Today mark 20
Of a hollowed soul
As I stand before you
Looking high under the mask
I Gritted my teeth
Hold back my tears
Clenched my fist
And let all the words play in my head
Spilled the unspoken
A minute of solitude

Close the eyes
And walk away
So no chance of what ifs
Looking strong.

Many Times…

There are
Many times i want to escape from this relationship
Many times i imagine walk out of that blue door with no sound and disappear

Especially when my existence was not appreciated enough
Especially when i was nt understood enough

Many times I wish I am dead just so you know I am matter
But many times my past get in the way

Especially when things get tough
Especially when no one was there for me to hold on

Many times I regretted this
Many times I wish I didnt do that

Especially when you think the world revolve around you
Especially when everything so upheavel

Many times I cry by myself
Many times I was there sorting out everything solo

Especially when I took all the blame
Especially when my worth is just in bed

Many times
Many times
I hope it wasnt you

I hope this wasnt it

I hope was strong I hope am strong and I hope I will be stronger

For you no longer hold me fragile
For you to realize my worth
For me to stand tall and high
For me to stay firm no matter what life throws at me

At the same time no longer wishing to die

Drama: Cheese In The Trap

I am not going to do K-Drama review here. I am just admiring how this story line hit close to home. Very real-life problems. The main lead is a sociopath in a ways I can relate to many of his conditions. To me this drama speaks about two lonely soul who met each other. Both with their own struggle with their own baggage fighting their damnest to be in a relationship. Relationship require a lot of work from both side. Here, the woman are trying the best she can to understand his position and condition from where he comes from without justifying his action. At the end no amount of understanding are enough without hurting one another. Finally he realize his action hurt his loved one after so many lose so many hurt so many distance. Sometime in life not all romance are happy ending. Some are mend to end just so we can find a better one. To realise relationship mean through thick and thin for both in the same boat to sail. I know there will be times when things are tough and you want to quit but hang in there. Sail away even though your boat start to sink, fix it. If after everything you both do the boat still sinking then swim away. Let it sink but do not drown. Cheers.


Is where I meet the thought of die is easier than living

At times like this I just want to die

But at the same time I dont want my kin went through what I’ve been through living without my life

I just want to die

When all the pressure was more than I can handle

I just want to die

When I feel like I can’t bear it anymore

I just want to die

When I feel unworthy

I just want to die

When you left me and didnt even aay sorry

I just want to die

Because it seems easier than living

I really want to die

Cuz I livin hell

I want to die

Or just die

Am Hurt and Unhappy

If I want to blame, I should blame myself at the first place

For being with someone who constantly destroying my self worth.

But I was just never realize that this is going to be so hard that I am in for the sake of You.

Everytime you go selfish I just want to die. Disappear from this world. Disappear from you.

But then I remember I have two hearts I’m so in love with. That make me willing to stay alive so that they won’t feel what I feel.

After this will be (another) sorry. And then another nothing-happened moment. And then it will (again).

This is not my fault. This is you being broken. And I was trying to hold on a broken vase while cracking mine.

You and your words cut deep. You and your action wound me so deep. That both left me open with a bleeding heart.

So many times I want a pause. Or an out. Just so I can feel myself. Loving me without you like before. Because. You are my unhappiness. The source of my depression.

Another me you barely see (and all the pent-ups)